Adopted Rules and Redlines

On December 31, 2018, the Nevada Supreme Court adopted amendments to the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure, the Nevada Rules of Appellate Procedure, or the Nevada Electronic Filing and Conversion Rules.  The order adopting the rules and the exhibits can be found in ADKT 0522 and are provided here:

Order Adopting Rules

Exhibit A - NRCP (Advisory Committee Notes 2019)

Exhibit B - NRAP

Exhibit C - NEFCR

ADKT 0522

Redlines of the new NRCP against the existing NRCP and against the FRCP are also provided here for the convenience of the bar.  The official adopted version controls if any discrepancies exist between the redlines and the adopted version of the rules.

Redline of adopted NRCP against existing NRCP

Redline of adopted NRCP against FRCP