Overview of the Guardianship Compliance Office

Understand how to evaluate whether guardianship is necessary, explore alternatives, and decide what’s best for the individual’s circumstances. BECOMING A GUARDIAN Learn the personal and legal requirements to qualify as a guardian and what’s expected of you in this role and get step-by-step guidance on filing for guardianship, navigating court procedures, and completing the necessary documentation. RESPONSIBILITIES AND BEST PRACTICES Discover how to manage the day-to-day duties of guardianship, make sound decisions, and uphold ethical standards. REPORTING AND TRANSITIONS Understand how to handle annual reporting and accounting, and learn the processes for modifying or ending a guardianship. VALUABLE RESOURCES Gain access to resources that provide ongoing support. DETERMINING THE NEED FOR GUARDIANSHIP Scan to access the training: FAMILY AND VOLUNTEER GUARDIAN TRAINING Are you considering becoming a guardian, newly appointed as one, or already serving in this role? Guardianship is more than a legal arrangement—it’s a commitment to care and responsibility. This comprehensive Guardianship Training is designed to guide you through every step of the process. Here’s what you’ll learn: Visit bit.ly/425kWMW or *This training was developed by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges in partnership with the Nevada Administrative Office of the Courts. This project was supported by the Administration on Community Living (ACL), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of a financial assistance award of totaling $1,323,535.00 with 100 percent funding by ACL/HHS. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, ACL/HHS or the U.S. Government.The GCO is part of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), Supreme Court of Nevada. The GCO was created during the 79th Legislative Session.  Assembly Bill 130 established the office to provide additional services to Nevada District Courts during the administration of guardianship services.  The GCO currently staffs one program manager, two forensic financial specialists and two investigators.  GCO services are voluntary for each District Court and the office is available to review guardianship cases to identify reporting deficiencies by the guardian, review annual reports and accountings, and report findings to the District Court.  The GCO can provide the District Court with enhanced financial reviews of accountings, as well as investigations.  The GCO will work with the District Court to implement best practices in managing guardianship cases, identify active and closed cases, and assist with additional services, including implementing a guardianship case management system to track cases as well as support consistent and uniform performance and outcome measures.  The GCO has established a hotline for the public to ask questions or register complaints.  Services are provided to District Courts at no cost.

District Courts may request services from the GCO by contacting the Guardianship Compliance Manager.

In 2017, the Nevada Legislature passed the Protected Person's Bill of Rights.  The Protected Person's Bill of Rights can be downloaded here.

For information about your responsibilities as a guardian during the Covid-19 Pandemic, please click here.

Contact Information:

Kate McCloskey
Guardianship Compliance Manager
Administrative Office of the Courts
Supreme Court of Nevada
201 S. Carson Street, Suite 250
Carson City, NV 89701
Phone/Fax: (775) 684-1783
Email: kmccloskey@nvcourts.nv.gov

To Report Fraud or Abuse by a Guardian:

Phone: 1-833-421-7711

Email: NVGCO@nvcourts.nv.gov

Red Flags for fraud and abuse of a protective person can be downloaded here.

*For physical, sexual abuse, neglect, abandonment, or exploitation of  an adult protected person please contact Adult Protective Services at 1-888-729-0571, or Child Protective Services at 1-800-992-5757 for minor children.