AOC Grant Program Overview

The AOC Grant Program has funding available (up to $50,000) to Nevada trial courts for projects designed to ensure accurate and timely  reporting of mandatory USJR statistical information to the Nevada Supreme Court or to fund projects designed to improve technology, security, language access, or aid courts in providing accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Trial Court Improvement

Grant funding may be requested to fund projects addressing court order, statutory, or procedural requirements in the areas of technology, security, and court interpreters for Nevada trial courts. Additionally, grant funding may be sought to aid courts in projects designed to improve accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

AOC Grant Program Policies and Guidelines

This page sets forth the requirements for Nevada trial courts seeking grant funding of up to $50,000 through the AOC Grant Program.  Grant funding may be used for projects in two qualifying areas: USJR, for projects improving the ability to provide accurate and timely mandatory USJR statistical information to the Nevada Supreme Court, and trial court improvement for projects addressing courts’ requirements in the areas of technology, security, and court interpreters. Additionally, grant funding may be sought to aid courts in projects designed to improve accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Uniform System for Judicial Records

  1. Uniform System for Judicial Records (USJR)
  1. Uniform System for Judicial Records (USJR)

USJR is defined as ”a uniform system for collecting and compiling statistics and other data regarding the operation of the State Court System and transmit that information to the Supreme Court so that proper action may be taken in respect thereto;”Qualifying criteria for the allocation of assessment fees distributed to the Office of the Court Administrator for the “development of a uniform system for judicial records”2 are listed in priority and include:

  1. Statewide Statistical Systems and Automation Effort;
  2. Court Automation System;
  3. Improvement of Data and Information Collection; and
  4. Other.

Unless the grant request is specifically for the purpose of becoming compliant with the reporting requirements of USJR, the requester must be current with USJR reporting to the Research and Statistics Unit of the AOC to qualify.

Trial Court Improvement (TCI)

The Trial Court Improvement projects address court order, statutory, or procedural requirements in the areas of technology, security, and court interpreters for Nevada trial courts. Additionally, grant funding may be sought to aid courts in projects designed to improve accessibility under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Projects meeting multiple selection criteria will receive preference.

Match Requirements:

Grant Request AmountCash Match Requirement
$0 to $5,0000%
$5,001 to $50,00030%

EventBegin  DateEnd Date
Courts submit grant funding request7/01/247/31/24
Coordination of Grant Review Board based on types of requests submitted8/01/248/31/24
Grant Review Board reviews and recommends requests9/01/249/30/24
Recommendations forwarded to Executive Committee10/01/2410/31/24
Grants reviewed by the Executive Committee and award notifications distributed11/01/2412/31/24
Grant agreements completed and funding provided to courts1/01/252/15/25
Grant projects completed; final reports, narratives, and receipts submitted to AOC in accordance with Grant Agreement terms2/16/256/30/25

  1. Download and carefully read the AOC Grant Program Policies and Guidelines
  2. Download and review the AOC Grant Tips & Tricks and/or view the AOC Distance Education Program's webinar, Show Me the Money: Grant Writing Tips and Tricks
  3. Complete required documents (Refer to pages 5-7 of the AOC Grant Program Policies and Guidelines for additional details). 
    1. AOC Grant Program Application Cover Sheet
    2. Letter of request (letter should include the items below). 
      1. Title and description of project
      2. Name and address of court
      3. Name and contact information for primary point of contact
      4. The estimated time schedule of proposed project
      5. The grant for which the request is being made (USJR or TCI)
      6. Authorizing signature (Chief Judge, Court Administrator, or judges)
    3. Project narrative (narrative should include the items below). 
      1. Why is the project needed and how it will benefit the requesting court?
      2. Existing situation/problem and existing resources to address the problem
      3. Proposed changes and objectives
      4. Tasks and methods
      5. Will other courts benefit from the project?
      6. Other alternatives considered
      7. How does the project comply with the grant purposes?
      8. How will the effects and quality of the project be determined?
      9. What obstacles must be overcome for successful implementation of the project?
      10. What risks are associated with the project?
    4. Budget
      1. AOC Grant Program Application Budget Worksheet
      2. Budget narrative
    5. Project schedule (should outline the following items)
      1. Phases and timeline
      2. Roles and responsibilities
      3. Measurements and major deliverables
    6. Completed AOC Grant Program Grant Assurances Form
  4. Mail application to:

AOC Grant Program Administrator
Administrative Office of the Courts
201 S. Carson Street, Suite 250
Carson City, NV 89701

Please contact the AOC Grant Program Administrator if you have questions or require additional information.

AOC Grant Program Administrator
(775) 687-9808