Judicial Council Overview

The Judicial Council of the State of Nevada has expanded its role as an administrative arm of the judiciary, developing policies for the improvement of the court system and making recommendations to be considered by the Nevada Supreme Court.

The Judicial Council is comprised of 16 judges from across the state at every level, with the Supreme Court Chief Justice as ex-officio chairperson. There are five Regional Judicial Councils where members meet independently. Together these councils form the Judicial Council of the State of Nevada.

Committees include:

LEGISLATION with a mission to promote and support a coordinated legislative strategy for the Judicial Branch concerning legislation that affects the Nevada Judiciary and makes recommendations to the Judicial Council regarding court rules for submission to the Supreme Court for approval.

JUDICIAL EDUCATION with a mission to promote the competency and professionalism of the Nevada judiciary and staff through a comprehensive system of education.

COURT ADMINISTRATION with a mission to promote excellence within the Nevada Judiciary by recommending user-focused business processes that improve the delivery of judicial services for all.

TECHNOLOGY with a mission to promote and facilitate the application of technology to the work of the courts and promote the coordination, collaboration, and integration of technology efforts between the judiciary and state and local governments.

SPECIALTY COURT FUNDING AND POLICY with a mission to promote best practices in treatment courts, establish an application procedure and required documentation for requesting of specialty court funds, develop funding criteria and best practices, and improve specialty court programs within the State of Nevada.

COURT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM with a mission to promote continuous quality improvement in the implementation of best practices that advance meaningful, inclusive, and ongoing collaboration among courts, child welfare agencies, empirical experts, tribes, and other stakeholders to achieve safety, permanency, and well-being in a fair and timely manner for children and families in the child welfare system.

FAMILY SUBCOMMITTEE with a mission to develop and improve strategies designed to support family court operations across the state based on the needs of the Nevada Judiciary and its users.

To pursue its goals, the Judicial Council recommends legislation or court rules to the Nevada Supreme Court and reviews legislation proposals from the Nevada Judges Association and Nevada District Judges Association

Regional Judicial Councils

  • Sierra Region (First, Third, Ninth, and Tenth Judicial Districts)
  • Washoe Region (Second Judicial District)
  • North Central Region (Fourth, Sixth, and Eleventh Judicial Districts)
  • South Central Region (Fifth and Seventh Judicial Districts)
  • Clark Region (Eighth Judicial District)

Each Regional Judicial Council is composed of one district judge, who is the chairperson, and one limited jurisdiction judge. The Clark Region, the state's most populous, has two additional district judges and two limited jurisdiction judges as members. The Washoe Region, encompassing the state's second most populous region, has one additional limited jurisdiction judge. Limited jurisdiction judges are justices of the peace or municipal judges.

Regional Judicial Council meetings are open to all judges currently elected or appointed to serve within the region; every member judge in good standing has a vote on regional matters.