Commission on Statewide Rules of Criminal Procedure

Status: Concluded Via ADKT 0491

Years  Active: 2015-2023

Mission: To address a lack of uniformity of criminal procedure rules across the state and make recommendations, including Proposed Rules of Criminal Practice for the District Courts of the State of Nevada.

The Nevada Supreme Court convened the Commission on Statewide Rules of Criminal Procedure in early 2015 to address a lack of uniformity of criminal procedure rules across the state. Commission membership is comprised of experienced legal professionals and members of the Nevada judiciary; the Commission is focused on examining key, criminal procedure concerns and making recommendations for improvement on a statewide level.

On October 15, 2020, after numerous meetings, extensive research, and thorough review and discussion, the Commission filed its final report and recommendations, including Proposed Rules of Criminal Practice for the District Courts of the State of Nevada. The Nevada Supreme Court sought comment on the proposed rules from the bench, bar, and public on December 2, 2020. The Nevada Supreme Court adopted the Statewide Rules of Criminal Practice on December 29, 2020 and ordered that the Commission on Statewide Rules of Criminal Procedure remain convened to address any impacts of the rule changes that may require future consideration and/or action.

This Commission was concluded on June 14, 2023 via ADKT 0491 Order.

Justice Abbi Silver,  Co-Chair
Nevada Supreme Court

Justice Lidia Stiglich, Co-Chair
Nevada Supreme Court

Chief Justice James Hardesty
Nevada Supreme Court

Chief Judge Scott Freeman
Second Judicial District Court, Dept. 9

Eighth Judicial District Court

Judge Jim Shirley
Eleventh Judicial District Court

Mr. John Arrascada
Public Defender, Washoe County

Mr. Luke Prengaman
District Attorney's Office, Washoe County

Mr. Mark Jackson
District Attorney, Douglas County

Mr. Darin Imlay
Public Defender, Clark County

Mr. Christopher Lalli
District Attorney's Office, Clark County

Ms. Lisa Rasmussen
Private Counsel, Southern Nevada

Mr. John Springgate
Private Counsel, Northern Nevada

Ms. JoNell Thomas
Special Public Defender, Clark County