Court Improvement Program News
Understanding the Complexities of Domestic Violence and Dependency Cases: Juvenile Dependency Mediation Training
Seventy percent of domestic violence goes unreported, even though forty percent of child abuse victims report domestic violence in the home. As a result...Continue Reading... -
Katherine R. Malzahn-Bass Awarded Innovator of the Year
The Nevada Judiciary website contains regularly updated information dealing with the Supreme Court of Nevada, Administrative Offices of the Court, among others. Recent...Continue Reading...
Nevada Selected as One of Twelve JCAMP Sites
Published by CIP | 12/22/2022
JCAMP implementation will start January 2023...
Understanding the Complexities of Domestic Violence and Dependency Cases: Juvenile Dependency Mediation Training
Published by CIP | 12/20/2022
Domestic Violence is one of the most common factors in child abuse and neglect cases...
2022 Dive into Child Welfare Court Process
Published by CIP | 12/20/2022
In collaboration with Data Savvy Consulting, the Court Improvement Program (CIP) released three reports pertaining to its mission and programs...

Katherine R. Malzahn-Bass Awarded Innovator of the Year
The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ) awarded Katherine R. Malzahn-Bass, Court Improvement Program Coordinator for the Supreme Court of Nevada, the 2019 Innovator of the Year award for her efforts on Nevada’s Statewide Juvenile Dependency Mediation Program.