Education Requirements for Judicial Officers in Nevada
- Newly elected and appointed justices, judges, and certain other newly appointed judicial officers are required by Nevada statute or Nevada Supreme Court Order to attend specific courses offered at the National Judicial College and/or the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges.
- All sitting judges must obtain a minimum of thirteen hours of Certified Legal Education (CLE) or Certified Judicial Education (CJE), including two hours of ethics and professional conduct education, per year and one hour in the area of substance abuse/mental health, per year.
- Nevada Supreme Court Order 168 mandates all judicial officers serving in the State of Nevada shall take continuing education on the causes, effects, and dynamics of domestic violence.
Nevada Supreme Court Justices and Nevada Court of Appeals Judges will complete a National Judicial College ethics course with substantial content based on the American Bar Association’s Model Code of Judicial Conduct or the Nevada Code of Judicial Conduct within 24 months of election or appointment. (Nevada Supreme Court Order 251-amended 07/20/18)
Nevada District Court Judges with concurrent General and Family Jurisdiction will complete the National Judicial College “General Jurisdiction” two-week course within 12 months after taking office. (NRS 3.027, Section 1,(a))
The judge will complete the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges “Institute for New Juvenile and Family Court Judges” one-week course within 24 months after taking office. (NRS 3.028, Section 1.)
The judge will complete a National Judicial College ethics course with substantial content based on the American Bar Association’s Model Code of Judicial Conduct or the Nevada Code of Judicial Conduct* within 24 months of election or appointment. (Nevada Supreme Court Order 251-amended 07/20/18)
Nevada District Court Judges with General Jurisdiction only will complete the National Judicial College “General Jurisdiction” two-week course within 12 months after taking office. (NRS 3.027, Section 1,(a))
The judge will complete a National Judicial College ethics course with substantial content based on the American Bar Association’s Model Code of Judicial Conduct or the Nevada Code of Judicial Conduct* within 24 months of election or appointment. (Nevada Supreme Court Order 251-amended 07/20/18)
Nevada District Court Judges with Family Jurisdiction only will complete the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges “Institute for New Juvenile and Family Court Judges” one-week course within 12 months after taking office. (NRS 3.028, Section 1.)
The judge will complete a National Judicial College “General Jurisdiction” two-week course within 24 months after taking office. (NRS 3.027, Section 1,(a))
The judge will complete a National Judicial College ethics course with substantial content based on the American Bar Association’s Model Code of Judicial Conduct or the Nevada Code of Judicial Conduct* within 24 months of election or appointment. (Nevada Supreme Court Order 251-amended 07/20/18)
Nevada Justices of the Peace will complete a New Judge Education Special Court Jurisdiction training for non-law trained judges or the "Special Court Jurisdiction: Advanced" for law-trained judges two-week course. The judge must attend the first offering after the election or appointment or seek a deferral. Failure to attend, or failure to obtain a written order from a district court judge in and for the county to defer taking the course, will result in forfeiture of office (NRS 4.035, Section 1.; NRS 4.036)
The judge will complete ethics courses with substantial content based on the American Bar Association’s Model Code of Judicial Conduct or the Nevada Code of Judicial Conduct* within 24 months of election or appointment. (Nevada Supreme Court Order 251-amended 07/20/18)
Nevada Municipal Court Judges will complete New Judge Education Special Court Jurisdiction training for non-law trained judges or the "Special Court Jurisdiction: Advanced" for law-trained judges two-week course. The judge must attend the first offering after the election or appointment or seek a deferral. Failure to attend, or failure to obtain a written order from a district court judge in and for the county to defer taking the course, will result in forfeiture of office. (NRS 5.025 and NRS 5.026)
The judge will complete ethics courses with substantial content based on the American Bar Association’s Model Code of Judicial Conduct or the Nevada Code of Judicial Conduct* within 24 months of election or appointment. (Nevada Supreme Court Order 251-amended 07/20/18)
Nevada Specialty Water Law Judges will attend the certification course and be appointed as a Nevada Specialty Water Law Judge.
Following designation as a Nevada Specialty Water Law Judge, each judge will annually complete two continuing education credits on legal and technical/scientific issues:
a)Updated on Nevada water statutes and water law
b)Updates on hydrology, water modeling and limitations, water measurements, and Hydrologic Modeling Benchbook.
Nevada Juvenile Court Referees and Masters will complete the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges “Institute for New Juvenile and Family Court Judges” one-week course on the first occasion when such instruction is offered after an appointment. The cost for training as a juvenile master is paid for by the county, not by AOC, pursuant to NRS 62B.100. (NRS 62B.020)