Committee for Adoption of Standardized Forms for Protection Orders
Status: Inactive, .
Years Active: 2007-2010 Reconvened 2019-2020
Mission: To consider how any new enacted legislation would affect the standardized protection order forms, and to make any necessary changes to the forms. In addition, the Committee may examine various policy issues regarding the forms and make recommendations to the JCSN for submission to the Supreme Court.
Protection Order Overview and Available Forms
In October 2007 the Judicial Council of the State of Nevada (JCSN) approved the formation of an interim statewide Protection Order Forms Committee (Committee) under the auspices of the JCSN to consider how any new enacted legislation would affect the standardized protection order forms, and to make any necessary changes to the forms. In addition, the Committee may examine various policy issues regarding the forms and make recommendations to the JCSN for submission to the Supreme Court. The Committee examines all standardized protection forms, which includes domestic violence, stalking, aggravated stalking, harassment, workplace violence, harm to minors, and sexual assault.
The 2007 legislature enacted legislation that made a number of technical and substantive changes that affected the standardized Protection Order forms. In particular, Assembly Bills 194 and 282 contained language that involved substantive changes to the domestic violence standardized forms that needed to be reviewed by the Committee. The below Protection Order forms for domestic violence were designated as mandatory or voluntary, and were approved by an Order of the Supreme Court in December of 2008.
In 2009-2010, the Committee's primary focus was to review Assembly Bills 120 and 309, and create standardized protection order forms for victims of sexual assault requesting a protection order, as well as review the stalking and harassment protection orders to address the new definitions of stalking and harassment in Assembly Bill 309.
In 2019-2020, the Committee was reconvened to study and update the standardized protection order forms based on current statutes and technologies. A primary focus was Senate Bill 120 which focuses on protection relating to high-risk behavior. The Committee created 28 forms for adoption by the Supreme Court. The Court approved the forms in an ADKT 0269 dated June 4, 2020 and July 27, 2020 respectively.
The Court Ordered forms are available on this website in PDF and PDF interactive formats. Forms can be found at