Commission to Study the Statutes and Rules of the Commission on Judicial Discipline
Status: Concluded Via ADKT 0582
Years Active: 2021-2023
Mission: To study and make recommendations concerning the Nevada procedural and substantive statutes and rules of the Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline.
The Nevada Supreme Court convened the Commission to Study the Statutes and Rules of the Commission on Judicial Discipline and Update the Nevada Code of Judicial Conduct on August 13, 2021. Under the chairmanship of Justice Ron Parraguirre and the vice-chairmanship of Senior Justice James W. Hardesty, the Commission studied and made recommendations concerning the procedural and substantive statutes and rules of the Commission on judicial discipline. Additionally, the Commission compiled statistics relating to the work of the Commission on Judicial Discipline for consideration by the Nevada Legislature. The Commission's membership was comprised of experienced legal professionals and members of the Nevada judiciary from across the state. The commission has concluded its work.
The Honorable Ron Parraguirre, Chairman
Nevada Supreme Court
The Honorable James Hardesty, Vice-Chairman
Nevada Supreme Court Senior JusticeThe Honorable David Hardy The Honorable Tammy Riggs
District Judge District Judge
Second Judicial District Court, Dept. 15 Second Judicial District Court, Dept. 3
The Honorable Mark Denton The Honorable T. Arthur Ritchie Jr.
District Judge District Judge
Eighth Judicial District Court, Dept. 13 Eighth Judicial District Court, Family Division, Dept. H
The Honorable Tom Stockard The Honorable Kevin Higgins
District Judge Justice of the Peace
Tenth Judicial District Court Sparks Justice Court, Dept. 2
The Honorable Richard Glasson The Honorable Samuel Gregory Bateman
Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace
Tahoe Justice Court Henderson Justice Court, Dept. 1
The Honorable Elana Graham The Honorable Ann Zimmerman
Justice of the Peace Justice of the Peace
Las Vegas Justice Court, Dept. 1 Las Vegas Justice Court, Dept. 8
The Honorable Gene Drakulich The Honorable Bert Brown
Municipal Court Judge Municipal Court Judge
Reno Municipal Court, Dept. 1 Las Vegas Justice Court, Dept. 8
Ms. Lyn Beggs, Esq. Mr. Dennis Kennedy, Esq.
Northern Nevada Southern Nevada