ADKT 0608: In the Matter of Amendments of Supreme Court Rules Relating to Attorney Misconduct, SCRS 99-123
ADKT 0576 - In the Matter of the Creation of a Commission to Study the Adjudication of Water Law Cases 3/21/2023
ADKT 0605: In the Matter of the Enactment of Local Rules for the North Las Vegas Justice Court Relating to Traffic Violations
ADKT 602: Part 6 of Las Vegas Justice Court Local Rules & ADKT 603 Amendment of the Eviction Mediation Rules for Designated Eviction Proceedings.
ADKT 0568 Critical Labor Shortage Within the Marshal Office- ADKT 0604 Enactment of Local Rules for the Las Vegas Justice Court Relating to Traffic Citations
ADKT 0595: In the Matter of the Creation of a Committee to Study the Rules Governing Alter ADKT 0599: In the Matter pf Amendment to Supreme Court Rule 51.5; and Addendum 2; and Rules Regulating Admission to the Practice of Law and Instructions.
ADKT 0598: In the matter of Rules of Conduct for Lawyers Representing Children in Child Welfare Matters. ADKT 0601: In re: Amendment of the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure Regarding the Placement of a Child in a Qualified Residential Treatment Program.
In the Matter of the Creation of Rules for a Pilot Program Related to the Unbundling of Legal Services in Enumerated Family Court Case Types 08/02/2022 3:00 pm View more
In the Matter of Rules of Conduct for Lawyers Representing Children in Child Welfare Matters. 06/21/2022 2:00pm View more