Supreme Court of Nevada has scheduled a bar admission ceremony for new lawyers as follows:

North Bar Ceremony – 3:00 p.m.A reception will immediately follow the ceremony

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Nevada Supreme Court
201 S. Carson St.
Carson City, Nevada
Second Floor

South Bar Ceremony - 3:00 p.m. A reception will immediately follow the ceremony

Friday, May 10, 2024
Las Vegas City Hall Council Chambers
495 South Main Street
Las Vegas, Nevada

Successful applicants for the February 2024 bar examination are eligible to participate in the ceremony, provided that they have met all admissions requirements.  Applicants "on hold" have not met all requirements for admission and may not participate in the ceremony.

New admittees participating in an admission ceremony must be present at least one-half hour before the ceremony begins and must check in with the Supreme Court Clerk prior to the ceremony.  Representatives from the Clerk's Office will be in the lobby to collect oaths and take down the names of those participating in the ceremony.  There will be special seating for the new lawyers apart from the general audience.

The Nevada Supreme Court will hold a reception immediately following the ceremony in the Rotunda of the Supreme Court for the North Bar Ceremony and in the foyer of the Las Vegas City Hall for the South Bar Ceremony.

Additional Resources

Oath of Attorney

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will I know if I am eligible to participate in a swearing-in ceremony?

Shortly after the exam results are released, you will be sent a letter informing you that the Nevada Supreme Court has ordered you admitted to the practice of law.  The letter will be accompanied by a copy of the Oath of Attorney.

  • Do I need to RSVP?

No RSVP is required to attend either swearing-in ceremony.

  • Do I have to return the Oath of Attorney in order to participate in the swearing-in ceremony?

If you plan to attend one of the swearing-in ceremonies, please bring your signed Oath of Attorney with you to the ceremony.

  • Is attendance at one of the swearing-in ceremonies mandatory?

No.  You may be sworn-in by any judge or any notary public or any other person authorized to administer oaths in any jurisdiction.  Be advised, you must complete and return the signed Oath of Attorney to the Supreme Court of Nevada by August 31, 2024, or your application will be deemed withdrawn.  See Supreme Court Rules Addendum 1.  Policies and Procedures of the Board of Bar Examiners and the Moral Character and Fitness Committee, VII(44)  https://www.leg.state.nv.us/CourtRules/SCR_Addenda.html.

  • When can I expect to receive my law license after the ceremony?

After the swearing-in ceremony, the Nevada Supreme Court Clerk's Office will file the signed Oath of Attorney and begin processing the license.  You will be authorized to practice law after the swearing-in ceremony.  The printed license will be mailed to a new admittee approximately 150 days following the date of admission.