Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - Las Vegas - Full Court

Cannizzaro vs. Dist. Ct. (Settelmeyer)
Docket Number: 80313
Las Vegas - 11:00 a.m.  - Full Court

This is an original petition for a writ of mandamus challenging a district court order disqualifying the legislative counsel bureau from representing individual legislators in the underlying action.


The primary issue is whether the district court properly determined that the legislative counsel bureau is disqualified under RPC 1.7 (conflict of interest) from representing legislator defendants in an action brought by other legislators seeking a declaration that two legislative bills were unconstitutionally approved with only a simple majority vote in the Nevada senate.


This synopsis is intended to provide only general information about this case before the Nevada Supreme Court.  It is not intended to be all-inclusive or reflect all positions of the parties.  To access the documents that have been filed in this matter, type the docket number into the court’s case search page: http://caseinfo.nvsupremecourt.us/public/caseSearch.do