Ybarra, Jr. (Robert) vs. State (Death Penalty)

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Docket Number(s): 52167
Date: 09/01/2010 Time: 10:00 a.m. Location: Carson City
Before the En Banc Court, Chief Justice Parraguirre Presiding
Michael Pescetta as counsel for the Appellant
Richard W. Sears as counsel for the Respondent
Start Time Speaker Notes
10:02:17 AMParraguirre, C.J.Case called
10:02:29 AMMichael PescettaCounsel for Appellant
10:18:22 AMRichard W. SearsCounsel for Respondent
10:34:23 AMMichael PescettaCounsel for Appellant
10:41:06 AMParraguirre, C.J.Case submitted; End of Argument