Smith vs. State

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Docket Number(s): 54234
Date: 11/10/2010 Time: 11:00 a.m. Location: Carson City
Before a panel of Justices: Cherry, Saitta, and Gibbons
Glynn B. Cartledge as counsel for Appellant.
Gary H. Hatlestad as counsel for Respondent.
Start Time Speaker Notes
11:30:10 AMJ. CherryCase 54198 Submitted/Case Called
11:30:56 AMJ. CherryCounsel for Appellant
11:43:21 AMGary HatlestadCounsel for Respondent
11:52:40 AMJ. CherryCounsel for Appellant
11:53:57 AMJ. CherryCase Submitted
11:54:01 AMCase End