Schwartz v Schwartz

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Docket Number(s): 57284
Date: 03/14/2012 Time: 1:30 P.M. Location: Carson City
Northern Nevada Panel, Justice Douglas Presiding
Frederic I. Berkley, as counsel for the Appellants
Robert P. Dicerson, as counsel for the Real Party In Interest
Start Time Speaker Notes
1:33:06 PMJustice CherryCase Called
1:33:15 PMFrederic I. BerkleyCounsel for the Appellants
1:50:32 PMRobert P. DickersonCounsel for the Real Party In Interest
2:06:08 PMFrederic I. BerkleyCounsel for the Appellants
2:09:48 PMJustice CherryEnd Argument, Case Submitted