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Docket Number(s): 61529
Date: 05/12/2014 Time: 2:00 P.M. Location: Carson City
Before the Northern Nevada Panel, Justice Pickering Presiding
Karla K. Butko, as counsel for the Appellants
Brandt Butko, as counsel for the Appellants
Jennifer P. Noble, as counsel for the Respondent
Start Time Speaker Notes
2:11:08 PMJustice PickeringCase called
2:12:02 PMKarla K. Butkoas counsel for the Appellant
2:25:47 PMJennifer P. Nobleas counsel for the Respondent
2:38:59 PMBrandt Butkoas counsel for the Appellant
2:42:15 PMJustice PickeringEnd argument, case submitted