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Docket Number(s): 57208
Date: 10/18/2013 Time: 9:30 A.M. Location: A-Teck High School
Before the Southern Nevada Panel
T. Augusta Claus, as counsel for the Appellant
Agnes Lexis, as counsel for the Respondent
Start Time Speaker Notes
9:38:50 AMJustice GibbonsCase called
9:50:15 AMT. Augustas Clausas counsel for the Appellant, background of case
9:53:16 AMAgnes Lexisas counsel for the Respondent, background of case
9:57:36 AMT. Augustas Clausas counsel for the Appellant
10:11:00 AMAgnes Lexisas counsel for the Respondent
10:29:27 AMT. Augustas Clausas counsel for the Appellant
10:34:22 AMJustice GibbonsEnd argument, case submitted