City of Oakland vs. Desert Outdoor Advertising, Inc.

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Docket Number(s): 53973
Date: 01/03/2011 Time: 2:30 p.m. Location: Carson City
Before the En Banc Court, Chief Justice Douglas Presiding
Brian C. Hanley as counsel for the Appellant
Frank C. Gilmore as counsel for the Respondent
Start Time Speaker Notes
2:32:50 PMChief Justice DouglasCase Called
2:33:32 PMBrian C. HanleyCounsel for the Appellant
2:44:34 PMFrank C. GilmoreCounsel for the Respondent
3:02:32 PMBrian C. HanleyCounsel for the Appellant
3:06:59 PMChief Justice DouglasEnd Argument, Case submitted