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Docket Number(s): 88526
Date: Time: Location:
Before the Court En Banc - Chief Justice Cadish, Presiding
Bradley S. Schrager as counsel for the Appellants Todd Bice as counsel for the Respondents Joshua H. Reisman as counsel for the Respondents Matthew C. Morris as counsel for the Respondents

10:00:43 AM

Justice Cadish

Case Called

10:02:50 AM

Bradley S. Schrager

as counsel for the Appellants

10:17:32 AM

Todd L. Bice

as counsel for the Respondents

10:25:27 AM

Joshua H. Reisman

as counsel for the Respondents

10:33:36 AM

Matthew C. Morris

as counsel for the Respondents

10:35:40 AM

Bradley S. Schrager

as counsel for the Appellants

10:39:17 AM

Chief Justice Cadish

End argument, case submitted