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Docket Number(s): 87414
Date: Time: Location:
Before the Panel A24 Justice Herndon presiding
Jamie J. Resch as counsel for Petitioner Donella Rowe as counsel for Real Parties in Interest Kimberly M. Abbott as counsel for Real Parties in Interest

1:32:16 PM

Justice Herndon

Case called

1:32:59 PM

Jamie Resch

as counsel for the Petitioner

1:43:55 PM

Donella Rowe

as counsel for the Real Parties in Interest

1:50:03 PM

Kimberly M. Abbott

as counsel for the Real Parties in Interest

1:59:22 PM

Jamie Resch

as counsel for the Petitioner

2:02:18 PM

Justice Herndon

End argument, case submitted