78996 - Ortiz (Ramel) vs. State

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Docket Number(s): 78996
Date: 11/12/2020 Time: 10:00 A.M. Location: Las Vegas
Before the Southern Nevada Panel, Justice Gibbons Presiding
Melinda Simpkins , as counsel for the Appellant
William C. Rowles, as counsel for Respondent
Start Time Speaker Notes
10:02:07 AMJustice GibbonsCase called
10:02:52 AMMelinda Simpkinsas counsel for Appellant
10:15:06 AMWilliam C. Rowlesas counsel for Respondent
10:31:39 AMMelinda Simpkinsas counsel for Appellant
10:36:05 AMJustice GibbonsEnd argument, case submitted