MDB Trucking, LLC vs. Versa Products Co., Inc. C/W 75319/75321/76395/76396/76397

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Docket Number(s): 75022
Date: 11/13/2019 Time: 1:30 P.M. Location: Las Vegas
Before the Northern Nevada Panel, Justice Pickering Presiding
Nicholas M. Wieczorek, as counsel for Appellant
Josh C. Aicklen, as counsel for Respondent
Start Time Speaker Notes
1:28:48 PMJustice Pickering case called
1:29:17 PMNicholas M. Wieczorekas counsel for Appellant
1:48:24 PMJosh C. Aicklenas counsel for Respondent
2:08:52 PMNicholas M. Wieczorekas counsel for Appellant
2:11:28 PMJustice Pickering end argument, case submitted