76161- LaFrance vs. Cline

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Docket Number(s): 76161
Date: 10/06/2020 Time: 1:00 P.M. Location: Las Vegas
Before the En Banc Court, Chief Justice Pickering Presiding
Marshal S. Willick, as counsel for the Appellants
Racheal H. Mastel, as counsel for the Appellants
John D. Jones, as counsel for Respondent
Start Time Speaker Notes
1:00:59 PMChief Justice PickeringCase called
1:01:50 PMMarshal S. Willickas counsel for Appellants
1:18:46 PMJohn D. Jonesas counsel for Respondent
1:40:36 PMMarshal S. Willickas counsel for Appellants
1:49:47 PMChief Justice PickeringEnd argument, case submitted