CARSON CITY, NV, June 15, 2022 - The Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection convened on June 9, 2022 to interview two applicants to forward to Governor Sisolak for appointment to fill the judicial vacancy in the Eighth Judicial District Court, Dept. 9. The judicial position was made vacant by Cristina D. Silva who was appointed by President Biden to the U.S District Court in Nevada. The Commission forwarded the applications of:
- Maria A. Gall
- Lindsey Moors

There were two applicants for the position. Nevada attorneys with 10 years of legal experience and 2 years of Nevada residency were eligible to apply.
Governor Sisolak has thirty days to select an appointee from the two names provided by the Commission, by July 13, 2022. In order to serve the entirety of the term for Department 9, the appointed judge is required to file as a candidate in the November 8, 2022 general election. Due to the timing of the appointment, a special filing period will open from June 20 to July 22, this year. The current term expires January 4, 2027.
The Nevada Commission on Judicial Selection is composed of seven permanent
members and two temporary members for each selection - the Supreme Court Chief Justice, three non-attorneys appointed by the Governor, and three attorneys appointed by the State Bar of Nevada. Neither the Governor nor the State Bar may appoint more than two permanent members from the same political party, and cannot appoint two members from the same county. During each Commission's Selection process, two temporary members are appointed by the Governor and State Bar respectively. Temporary Commissions expire at the conclusion of a each selection process.
To view the public portions of the judicial application or for more information on the Commission on Judicial Selection, please visit the Commission's webpage at