In Re: Aboud Inter Vivos Trust

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Docket Number(s): 55303
Date: 05/18/2012 Time: 11:30 A.M. Location: Carson City
Before the Northern Nevada Panel, Justice Pickering Presiding
Tiffinay B. Pani as counsel for the Appellants/ Cross-Respondents
J. Douglas Clark as counsel for the Respondent/Cross-Appellant
Start Time Speaker Notes
11:14:35 AMJustice PickeringCase Called
11:27:34 AMTiffinay B. PagniCounsel for the Appellants/Cross-Respondents
11:44:15 AMJ. Douglas ClarkCounsel for the Respondent/Cross-Appellant
12:01:54 PMTiffinay B. PagniCounsel for the Appellants/Cross-Respondents
12:06:52 PMJustice PickeringEnd Argument, Case Submitted