Tuesday, October 26, 2021 - Las Vegas - J. Gibbons, J. Tao and J. Bulla

Harris vs. Figueroa (Child Custody)
Docket Number: 81746-COA
Las Vegas - 2:30 P.M. - Court of Appeals

Appellant Ronald Harris and respondent Jennifer Figueroa have minor children together. Figueroa filed a complaint for sole legal and sole physical custody of the children on the basis that Harris had pleaded guilty to felonies committed against a child and is serving a lengthy prison sentence in Tennessee. Following a case management conference, the district court granted Figueroa sole custody of the children on the ground that it is impossible for an incarcerated individual such as Harris to share legal or physical custody. Harris appeals.


The issues on appeal are whether: (1) the district court violated Harris’s due process rights by granting Figueroa sole legal custody at the case management conference; and (2) the district court’s custody decree amounted to an abuse of its discretion.


This synopsis is intended to provide only general information about this case before the Court of Appeals. It is not intended to be all-inclusive or reflect all positions of the parties.