Katherine Stocks, Director and State Court Administrator
Nevada Appellate Courts - Administrative Office of the Courts
Telephone: (775) 684-1717
Email: kstocks@nvcourts.nv.gov
Katherine Stocks was appointed in February 2021 as the Director of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) and State Court Administrator for the Nevada Appellate Courts. Ms. Stocks has general administrative authority for the AOC and is responsible for carrying out the statutory duties of the State Court Administrator. The mission of the AOC is to be an influential and respected voice for the courts of Nevada. The AOC consists of 60 professionals providing education, research, administrative and IT support to Nevada's judiciary. Prior to joining the Nevada Judiciary, Ms. Stocks served six years as Court Administrator of the Kansas 10th Judicial District in Johnson County, KS. Ms. Stocks received her undergraduate degree in economics from Kansas State University and a Juris Doctorate from the University of the District of Columbia, David A. Clarke School of Law. She is admitted to practice law in the District of Columbia and the State of Missouri.