Speaker Biography The Honorable Richard Glasson

Tahoe Township Justice Court

Judge Richard GlassonJudge Richard Glasson was the Justice of the Peace of Tahoe Justice Court at Stateline, South Lake Tahoe, where he served since his election in 2000, making him the longest-serving Judge in Douglas County history. He is a mediator, arbitrator, and trial lawyer. Judge Glasson is a graduate of the University of California, Davis, (Economics) and received his Juris Doctorate from McGeorge School of Law. As a lawyer, he specialized in trial work and had over 60 trials in Federal and State Courts in Nevada and California, including 16 jury trials

In 2020 the Nevada Judges of Limited Jurisdiction honored Judge Glasson with the association's Lifetime Achievement Award, recognizing his extraordinary contributions to his community and Nevada's judiciary. Judge Glasson currently has an active mediation practice and acts as a Special Master and Receiver for District Courts throughout the State