Speaker Biography Mr. Tommy Ferraro

The Ferraro Group

Mr. Tommy FerraroMr. Tommy Ferraro is a fifth-generation Nevadan and Santa Clara University graduate who serves on the Ferraro Group’s public relations team that advises the Nevada Supreme Court.  He works with the Court on community and media outreach and strategic planning.  During Nevada legislative sessions every other year, Mr. Ferraro is a key member of The Ferraro Group’s public policy team. In addition to his professional responsibilities, he gives back to the community through active involvement in the Boys and Girls Club of Truckee Meadows Young Leaders Committee and the Prospector’s Club.

The Ferraro Group’s clients include Apple, Las Vegas Raiders, Walmart Nevada, Nevada Resort Association, Nevada Supreme Court, Nathan Adelson Hospice, Navajo Nation Gaming Enterprise, NV Energy, Mob Museum in Las Vegas, Nevada State Contractors Board and Nevada Donor Network, among others.