Nevada Specialty Court 2024 Conference

Dear Specialty Court Conference Attendees,

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Nevada Specialty Court Conference of 2024.  Our theme for this year is “Silver State, Gold Standards in Specialty Courts.”

Since the inception of specialty courts, Nevada has been on the forefront.  We introduced the fifth drug court in the country, the first prison re-entry drug court, the first felony gambling treatment court.  Across our state, treatment courts provide participants with the support and resources to become productive and contributing members of our communities.  These programs cover a vast array of issues in our society including mental health, drug and alcohol addiction, veterans' concerns, child support, problem gambling, and homelessness. Our proud specialty court tradition continues and flourishes as a result of hard work by all of you.

At this year's conference, national and state experts will provide the most up-to-date information for Nevada's treatment court professionals, including updated best practices. Conference attendees will also have invaluable opportunities to network, collaborate, and share information.

Whether this is your first specialty court conference or your tenth. I hope you will take away new ideas and energy to enhance your programs so that we can continue to achieve meaningful change. Treatment courts work!  Your efforts help reduce crime, save money, ensure compliance, treat addiction, stabilize mental illness, and help restore families.

Thank you for your outstanding efforts within Specialty Courts; you help make Nevada the gold standard.

Warm regards,

- Justice Linda Marie Bell, Co-Chair, Specialty Court Funding and Policy Committee