Fellow Nevada District Judges,
I invite you to register for the 2024 Annual Nevada District Court Judges Conference. Combined with the Family Law Conference the previous day, judges may earn as many as 19.0 CLE credits. The Annual Seminar will follow the same general format as in prior years, with the NDJA Executive Board meeting on Wednesday morning, the NDJA Business meeting on Thursday afternoon, and the awards banquet on Thursday evening.
This year’s educational offerings will more than meet the needs of all district court judges. The topics include judicial security, DNA evidence, dealing with trauma on the bench, the transformative impact of artificial intelligence, civil commitments, competency hearings, Nevada appellate review, and US Supreme Court review. For the first time in several years, we will also have group discussions where all judges will share their best practices. It’s an excellent addition to the Seminar, and we all benefit from each other’s experiences and wisdom!
If you have any questions, please contact me (kishnerj@clarkcountycourts.us) or Shyle Irigoin (sirigoin@nvcourts.nv.gov). I look forward to seeing you at the Seminar!
Judge Joanna Kishner
NDJA President